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Physical Education (P.E.)

Active, healthy bodies lead to active, healthy minds.


We offer a well-designed and sequential Physical Education curriculum which provides all pupils with opportunities to embrace our school values of inspire, challenge, care and respect.

At St. Anne's we provide opportunities for all pupils to develop a life-long passion for health and fitness; both in and beyond the PE curriculum.  We aim to instill a love of sports and physical activity, so that they learn to recognise the benefits of regular exercise in helping to lead an active and healthy lifestyle. Through physical education, school sport and physical activity (PESSPA), pupils can learn many essential life and leadership skills which we hope will remain with them way beyond their time at St. Anne’s CE Primary School.  We believe a positive experience of PESSPA promotes learning, friendship, teamwork and collaboration.

At St. Anne’s we are dedicated to developing physical literacy that extends beyond the PE curriculum.  School Sport and Physical Activity are not curriculum subjects but together with Physical Education they are firmly placed at the heart of the school e.g. through active lessons and lunchtimes; our extra-curricular offer and opportunities to compete.  The school recognises the impact this can have on our pupils and we do all we can to ensure that all pupils are physically active during the day.  Opportunities to engage in high quality INTRA and INTER school competition is a focus of our offer.  When engagement is challenging, inclusive and appropriate to their interests, motivations and competences of each individual, we know our pupils can thrive.  

  • Children are inspired to develop confidence and excel in a broad range of physical activities, being inquisitive and developing their enthusiasm to try extra-curriculum, sporting opportunities in and out of school.
  • Inspirational role models covered, in and out of PE lessons, reflect the diversity of our community, enabling pupils to see themselves within the PE curriculum. This supports their belief that they too can aspire to be great sports people.
  • Children are empowered with the knowledge and attitude that PE and sport can be for everyone, it is a life-long habit and an appreciation of sport is essential to fully engage in a rich cultural life. 

  • PE provides children with practical opportunities to apply the St Anne’s Learning Powers (Resilience, Perseverance, Resourcefulness and Co-operation).
  • The focus on having a positive mindset is essential on the teaching of PE, empowering children with the confidence to have a go, to learn from mistakes and to keep trying and improving.
  • Through the teaching of subject specific technical vocabulary and opportunities to discuss technique and performance, children are able to articulately communicate their knowledge and understanding of a range of sports. 

  • Children are able to demonstrate fair play and can act accordingly whether they win, lose or draw in competition. Showing care and respect to their peers in order to develop positive and healthy relationships.
  • Children are taught to communicate effectively when participating in sports, giving respectful feedback to their peers when appropriate.
  • All children, including those who have SEND or are disadvantaged, are supported to fully access the PE curriculum. This may include additional adult support, adapted activities and/or equipment and subsidised after school clubs.
  • Children learn about the uniting power of sport and how it can be used for good, as courageous advocates.

  • Children learn the importance of sport and activity in developing physical and mental wellbeing and its pivotal role in maintaining good health.
  • Children are challenged to develop the core skills of a range of specific sports and are able to respect and adhere to set rules for each.
  • Participation in community competition (both internally and against other schools) empowers children to understand that they can succeed in the face of competition, but also the value of enjoying physical activity whether they win, lose or draw.


Our curriculum offer for PE has been designed so that children of all ages are able to develop a range of skills across different sporting disciplines in a progressive manner. We use the PE Passport scheme, which is in line with the National Curriculum.  In delivering this, pupils enjoy two, weekly PE sessions. These sessions are delivered by teachers and coaches (from the PE and Sports Hub), who work collaboratively to ensure that children enjoy exciting, ambitious and inclusive lessons.

Alongside these weekly sessions, each autumn, children in Year 4 undertake a 16-week swimming course, aimed at promoting water safety and ensuring children to meet the requirements of the National Curriculum.

As pupils start in Y6, they are also given the opportunity to explore a number of different sports-based activities as part of an outdoor pursuits residential visit. Such activities include canoeing, climbing and bouldering, archery and caving amongst others.  Outdoor adventurer activities are also taught as part of our Forest School offer in Year 1 and Year 3.

Pupils and families also enjoy coming together as one whole-school community for our annual sports day, which takes place in the summer term. Here, pupils of all ages are given the opportunity to compete individually and collectively, embracing their sporting talents representing their house teams.

As a Tier 1 member of Trafford School Sports Partnership, our pupils enjoy competing in a range of different sporting festivals, competitions and fixtures that are appropriate to their interests, motivations, confidence and competence.  In addition, we are also delighted to engage with other sports agencies, such as Chance to Shine, who provide additional cricket coaching; Trafford Handball and Sale Sharks. Through these opportunities’ children are inspired to join local clubs. 

We are an active school: teachers deliver active lessons, give children movement breaks and our lunchtimes are active.

Children are given the opportunity to develop leadership skills in upper KS2.  Pupils are invited to apply to be PE Leaders and receive leadership training through Trafford School Sports Partnership.

We offer a range of extra-curricular sessions throughout the school year. These include multi-skills, dance, basketball, football, athletics and Forest School.

The PE lead supports teachers and monitors standards by reviewing planning of units, talking to children about their PE learning and observing lessons (delivered by school staff and the external provider).  Joint lesson observations with senior members of our external coaching company are planned as appropriate.  The PE lead also observes the teaching of swimming.

Assessments are recorded through the PE Passport app. Pupils are also given time to reflect on their learning and take part in self, peer and group feedback within the lesson. We celebrate children’s sporting achievements, both in and out of school, during our weekly Celebration Assembly.



Last year, we achieved the Gold School Games Award, indicating our high standard of provision and commitment to ongoing improvement.

For a significant number of pupils, Physical Education is their favourite subject.  There are high levels of engagement in lessons and pupils enjoy their learning.

Children build the skills needed to participate in a range of sports and physical activities and are active in their daily lives.

Every child is given the opportunity to represent St. Anne’s before the leave in Year 6.  There are a range of INTRA and INTER school competitions that we participate in.

Progression Document

PE Roadmap for St Anne's

Whole School Learning Overview

End of Key Stage Outcomes

How Parents can support PESSPA