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Trafford's Inclusion Charter


We are delighted to announce that we have made the Trafford's Inclusion Charter Pledge.

We are also very proud of how this charter was developed. In September 2019 we held an Inclusion visioning event with parents, carers, head teachers, SENCOs and a wide range of Local Authority officers and we were able to share our ambitions for inclusive practice in Trafford.  Our head teacher, Miss Knight. is part of the steering group who helped shape the charter.  

The five principles that make up the charter are drawn from the words that were used to describe how we would like inclusive practice to look in our schools and settings.


Trafford Inclusion Charter 5 Principles

Our five Trafford Inclusion Charter principles were developed from the conversations started at the visioning day and continued with parents and professions during a series of developmental meetings. They are ….

Local schools and educational settings in Trafford are committed to meeting the needs of children and young people in their local community.

Outcomes - are child centred, measurable and achievable.

Communication is regular, clear and appropriate.

We are all Accountable and responsible for supporting inclusion in Trafford.

We are mindful of how we use Language to include, describe and involve all.


Local Provision

  • We Will...
    • Ensure Acess for all to a full, broad, balanced and appropriate curriculum.
    • We will work with you to ansure that provision can be flexible to meet individual need through consultation and collaboration with you.
  • So You...
    • Are fully engaged in all meaningful and purposeful experiences as a valued memeber of our learning communities.


  • We Will...
    • Work with you to identify your strengths and agree with you what you want to change.
  • So You...
    • Are Confident that the outcomes and provision agreed are focused on what you want to achieve.


  • We will ensure our communications are
    • Two Way
    • Regular
    • Honest
    • Consistent
    • Timely
  • So You...
    • Know that your views are valued and central to decisions that are made with you.


  • We Will Ensure that in our work...
    • We are fair, accountable and responsible.
    • We will look to how we can add value and work in a solution focused and courageous manner.
  • So You Feel...
    • Safe
    • Protected
    • Treated Fairly
    • Respected
    • Supported & Considered


  • We Will...
    • Ensure that the language we use to communicate with you is clear, simple and accessible
  • So You Can...
    • Feel empowered and included when we have discussions with you, about how best to support you.


Commitment Statement

By signing up to Trafford’s Inclusion Charter we are committed to delivering on the 5 key principles in our work.

We understand that to develop our inclusive practice it is essential to evaluate and reflect on how we work in schools.

As part of our commitment to the Charter we will ensure that this reflection and evaluation is carried out on an annual basis by relevant staff in school. Our school will be outward facing; working in partnership with members of our wider school community and collaborating with other schools in a school-school support system with guidance and support from Local Authority colleagues.