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Nursery & Reception Class Parent Information

When can my child come to Nursery or Reception?

You can apply for a place for your child to start our Nursery the term after they turn 3 years-old. Please visit the Nursery Admissions page for futher information. 


Parents are invited to apply for a place in our Reception class in line with the Trafford Schools guidance. Most children start reception full-time in the September after they turn 4. Further information can be found on our Admissions Arrangements page. 


What will my child be doing throughout their days in Nursery or Reception?

In our safe and inclusive setting, your child will be learning and exploring a wide variety of expertly planned activities through play.


‘Play is the highest form of research’ – Albert Einstein.


We work to a carefully balanced timetable based around child-initiated learning in our Continuous Provision Areas and teacher-directed learning taking place both indoors and outdoors.


Our sessions include snack times, during which we sit together to enjoy a healthy snack and practise our developing social conversational skills alongside our friends and the adults caring for us.


At St Anne’s, we are proud to be a Church School. Our Christian values underpin all that we do and the children learn how they help us become good citizens of the world. (e.g. ’Inspire’, ‘Challenge’, ‘Care’ ‘Respect‘). We enjoy visiting our church each week to share in our family time Collective Worship sessions.


Children learning in Reception will participate in daily phonics learning sessions when they will complete activities designed to support the development of phonological awareness needed to learn to read and write. Our school follows the Read Write Inc synthetic phonics scheme.


How can I support my child in Nursery and Reception?

We view parents as partners in supporting our children to learn. Regular communication with parents through our online assessment tool ‘Evidence Me’ allows parents to see what their child has been experiencing and learning from in school. We then delight in viewing details of the many learning encounters our children experience at home sent by parents/carers.


Our popular Mouse Club sessions (designed and supported by the Parental Engagement Network) enable parents to visit their child’s classroom to gain a guided insight into the learning taking place and how it can be supported at home. These take place at least every 6 weeks; with information and dates sent in advance via our home-school communication online platform: Weduc.


Once your application has been accepted, our staff team will be in touch to offer further details of the various aspects of support in place to help you and your child navigate the transition process. This will include an invitation to a Parent/Carer Information Meeting and Home Visits. Please take a look at the attached Mouse Club leaflet for further information on how you can prepare your child for starting school.


Keeping an eye on our social media updates enables parents and carers to gain further insight into the activities and learning we are always very proud to share with the wider St Anne’s family.



What do other parents say about our Nursery and Reception Classes?

"We have been absolutely delighted with both the Nursery and Reception Classes at St Anne's. Both our children have been made to feel incredibly loved and valued from day one. They now have built excellent foundations for lifelong learning and also developed very strong relationships with their classmates - thank you!" 

 - Nursery Class Parent.

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