History is understanding the past to help us improve the future.
At St Anne’s we aim for a high-quality expansive history curriculum that inspires pupils to ask questions and captivates Britain’s past and the wider world, and equips them for their lives in the 21st century. Pupils will understand the complexity of people’s lives, the diversity of societies and relationships and the process of change. They will develop skills as a critical thinker, making their own informed judgements and coming to independent conclusions, appreciate that knowledge is socially constructed and continue to ask questions. Children will build a sense of identity and also understand and respect the identity of other’s, which will allow them to become independent and recognise they are part of a community that extends beyond their home, area and country. Children will also be aware of their local area and the important role it has played in history. They will know how their local area has changed over time. The impact and measure of this is to ensure that those who attend and leave St Anne’s are equipped with historical enquiry skills, knowledge and concepts, whilst also deepening and broadening their understanding of chronology and important events that have occurred throughout history so they are ready for the curriculum at KS3. We want to build a History curriculum that inspires children and equips them to be well-informed lifelong learners in the wider world. Additionally, those who leave St Anne’s will know how important their local area is, they will want to be a part of their wider community and know the changes it has been through. |
Within EYFS, History is integral to the Early Learning Goal of Knowledge and Understanding the World where pupils are encouraged and supported to “talk about past and present events in their own lives and in the lives of family members”. It allows them to begin to understand and master chronology and communicate changes that they observe in their lives and the lives of others. In EYFS, children observe and talk about changes in objects through both adult-led and child-led activities and a floor book is produced to capture the exciting learning they have been involved in. Throughout Years 1-6 each year enquires in History through a Learning Question giving them purpose and aim to their learning. This big question is answered through a series of smaller questions, guiding the children through their learning, allowing them to answer the question in steps. The small questions can take any form that the teacher plans to, this can be: research, evaluating a variety of sources, debates, writing, etc. The aim of the questions is to inspire the children to want to find out more and to continuously ask questions about their current learning and beyond the classroom. Lessons frequently begin by referring to the interactive timeline on KAPOW, placing their knowledge within the context of other historical events in our curriculum. Chronology is therefore the root of our growing historical knowledge. If Chronology is the root, our substantive and disciplinary concepts are the branches. Our substantive concepts teach historical knowledge – as a historian I know about: society; culture and religion; military and warfare; trade and technology; power. Our disciplinary concepts teach knowledge of the investigative methods used by historians – as a historian I can investigate: change and continuity; similarities and differences; cause and consequence; historical significance; sources of evidence; historical interpretations. All lessons relate to a substantive and a disciplinary concept which is mapped in our progression document. In EYFS, society is the crucial substantive concepts because we want children to be rooted in the world around them before looking outwards as they move through school. Historical significance is a crucial disciplinary concept in EYFS because we want children to ground themselves in learning which events carry greater importance than others. In KS1 society remains at the core of children’s understanding of the world, but we take our first steps to extending our gaze to the immediate world around us by exploring the history of our school and locality, and aspects of life lived by recent generations. In LKS2, we extend further, exploring the history of Britain chronologically (Romans, Anglo-Saxons, Vikings). We include the substantive concept of Military and Warfare in LKS2 as the theme of invasion presents itself throughout the topics covered. In KS2, we are able to extend further and look beyond these shores and explore civilisations whose impact has been great enough to influence Britain and the World. Building in this way manages the cognitive load of children, allowing them to take steps to deepen existing means of historical investigation (disciplinary concepts) and to methodically extend their outlook of the world and the past. Teachers planning is supported via KAPOW, Chris Trevor CPD and Historical Association. Assessment in History is rooted in the big questions. By addressing it in small steps via each lesson, we are able to assess children’s understanding against the big question. |
History is inspiring; the children want to answer their Learning Challenge question. WOW moments hook the children into answering questions and encourage them to be curious. Knowledge organisers are used by teachers and pupils; this especially helps to deepen their understanding of vocabulary.
Children have said they “like history because we learn about things that happened thousands of years ago and it is really interesting” and they “love history because it's very fun to learn about the past and how people lived back then and even what jobs they did.”
History challenges children, 34.2% of children at St Anne's felt like history was not too easy and not too hard - they enjoyed the challenge. 41 children said that history was 5/5 for enjoyment.
In EYFS and KS1 children are grounded in the knowledge of the recent past and local area. In LKS2, they grow their knowledge to include three key invasions of Britain and extend their view of the world to include this country and past cultures. In UKS2, they extend their knowledge to include civilisations which impacted Britain and the World.
Alongside the substantive concepts covered in these topics, children explore disciplinary concepts which repeat throughout to allow them to learn to investigate as a historian would. We believe building knowledge in this way prepares children to deeply engage with other significant periods of history in KS3.
History Knowledge Organisers
Year 5 presented their Learning Challenge question 'Is Ancient Greece Really a Myth?' through Homer's Illiad as a play.
Learning about The Great Fire of London with a school trip to Staircase House in Stockport.
History in the making - Celebrating The King's Coronation
LKS2's Viking Trip
LKS2 learning about Romans
KS1 investigate the archives to learn more about our school's past!